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Prayer Garden

     Come to our Rose Garden and see our Grotto.You will see the Purple Star symbol, and also feel an Aura of Light that even narrow, or stubborn as can be, you will have to acknowledge that you feel it which you’ve never felt before!


     Our Beloved Mother Trust started the Garden for the public so that each one can come with a freedom in of any religion, nation and color, to meditate; and you will feel the peace in this beautiful Garden, where angels can come to us and bring the Peace Atmosphere for us all-to all humanity to unite in Light as one to be helped, lovingly united no matter what religion, rich or poor, any color-all mingled for God’s Peace, and prayers.


     This Garden has been built by all that have been healed through and of the God’s Superet Light Method.  This great Wonder Light was revealed first to the Author in a dream-that this Star of Purple Light would come, and It would come from the Mother God, Superet, Who wants to help us in Her great Love and Pity for us with Her Love-Light, Superet Ray, to shine upon us to help us.


     Peace will come when we all united, pray and seek Her Love.  But the brotherly love is needed.


     Mother Trust said, “This dream has come true now after fifteen years.  When I was in Jerusalem and saw the Garden of Gethsemane, I wished for a Rose Garden for Jesus to give to Mother God, in all humanity’s name, for Jesus to never suffer again.”


     Not thorns, but hearts will now be roses in His Garden.  And see how we follow Him.  Come all.  Remember everyone is welcome.  We do not speak but pray, meditate in silence and looking at the rainbow and the star over the Grotto.  You all will feel the Heaven has opened up to send us help and peace.


     Come, loved dear, you chosen ones, and feel the Peace of God with His Light for us.  There is not a Garden like this in the U.S.A., or in the whole world. 


(213) 388-8145


​Superet Church

2516 West 3rd Street

Los Angeles, Ca 90057

© Copyright 2017  Superet Church ™
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